Holy moley! What an extraordinary year 2019 was. Where to even start when you are talking about the whole damn year? First of all my little company celebrated 1o years. Unbelievably, I have been doing photography professionally (even more years if you count college etc, but I don’t) since 2009. I don’t know where the years have gone with a blur of happy tears, long days and priceless moments. PRICELESS.
WHY do I love photographing people in love so much? The moments we are capturing are priceless, real, sometimes raw and we get the absolute honor of telling your story.
It’s long, challenging days but the rewards are great. I get to meet some awesome people and their family and friends. We share in their celebration and maybe end the night with a slice of cake. Come on, it is pretty great really!
Last winter I also went on a road trip to the southwest. I went alone. No one could travel with me for 4-5 weeks, jobs and all. I have always been pretty self reliant and don’t mind time spent alone. I did have moments where I wish some of the rad things I got to see and do were shared with someone else but sometimes you have to go create your own happiness. Winters in Montana are loonnng so I was headed for the sun. I am like a plant that needs more warmth! I spent most of my time in Arizona with a short trip to New Mexico. Martin joined me for part of it, that was awesome. Distance makes the heart grow fonder right? I took many trails, some easy some hard. I LOVE the desert! I hadn’t spent much time there before and became enamored by the huge cactus. I hope to travel there again soon!
Bits and pieces I like.
Now, back to these fabulous couples! I thought I would share a little snippet of all the weddings and elopements from this year. Sorry engagements and portraits didn’t make this post but it is already a damn long post! I have not blogged many weddings yet from 2019 and definitely plan to share a few but picking just a few images was hard as hell. It took way longer than I ever thought it would and made me want to share every moment with all of you. Stay tuned for some featured weddings coming soon.
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